One Hell of a Ride.

So, Inktober’s coming to a close slowly but surely, and I’m finding myself tested even more as I delve further into what my mind comes up with. It’s exhilarating, to be honest.


Day 21: Furious. Fury’s Smile

Day 21. Furious. Well, what’s more furious than a wolf’s smile waiting to open up your throat? Yeah, I know. Freaky thought. I put Tipp-Ex in the eyes and teeth. Didn’t turn out as prominent as I had hoped (the next illustration carried it off better), but it was still worth the strong odour of, as Wikipedia calls it, “correctional fluid”. Why do you think it’s furious?



Day 22: Trail, Road to Insanity

Day 22. Trail. Like I said for the previous picture. I had also used good old Tipp-Ex to highlight the gaping clown’s cheeks and jaw. It’s an interesting way to depict the road to insanity going through the mouth. The picture was actually taken from a show I’ve just recently started watching with my binge-buddy brother. AHS, or American Horror Story has seven seasons, and within each season is a whole new story with the same actors acting as the new characters. So basically, you’re watching specific actors playout multiple horror stories for seven seasons. It’s like a book of compiled short stories. I can tell you, so far, I’ve shit myself it’s so weirdly wonderful.



Day 23: Juicy, Gollum’s Fish Song

Day 23. Juicy. Okay, I had to do Gollum. He’s a MUST. I found the word-prompt, Juicy, probably one of the hardest so far. The only things that came to mind were burgers and more food. I couldn’t exactly draw a Mcdonald’s burger when all the rest of the Inktober illustrations wouldn’t match, (as tempting as it was to do so). Then, I remembered Gollum’s Fish Song:

“The Rock and Pool, is nice and cool. So Juicy sweet!


Now we wish, to catch a Fish. So Juicy sweet!” _Gollum.



Day 24: Blind, See No Evil.

Day 24. Blind. And Finally, we have “See no Evil”. I don’t really know how to describe this one. It was drawn with a ballpoint pen. Another example of why you shouldn’t underestimate the pen. But to me, it depicted the word-prompt, Blind, nicely enough for me to have an excuse to draw it.

Only seven drawings left and with another Inktober post notch on my belt, I can say that I am excited, yet disappointed for the end. Thank you for taking this journey with me and watching my art come to life.  It has been one hell of a ride…

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