To Small Victories…and Tall Tales…

It’s been a year since I published “Green Bottles” on this blog. It took me forever to write the 26 page story, but I managed to get it out of my head, through my hand and pencil (or rather the keyboard on the computer) and finally onto paper. As I said in the post, itContinueContinue reading “To Small Victories…and Tall Tales…”

The Short of It…

Hi there, long time, no blog. I hope you have been keeping well. I’ve missed sharing pieces of my mind with you. I have been working very hard on writing some stories lately and am proud to say I have finished my second short story. The first being “Green Bottles”, which is quite long. TheContinueContinue reading “The Short of It…”

A Stranger’s Game Prt 3

CHAPTER 2 (second segment) More of a Benjamin Gus rolled the car into a parking area for the handicapped, pulled the handbrake up and turned a bright smile to Noah. ā€œIā€™m going in. Stay here and act handicapped for me.ā€ She said, unbuckling herself and letting the seat belt fly back into place. It wasContinueContinue reading “A Stranger’s Game Prt 3”

Raggedy Man…Goodnight.

“Spoilers.” _River Song. It’s the end of the month and the end of the 11th Doctor. I know my last post on the Doctor was very recent and I debated writing this one to you now, mainly because it was heartsore. However, this is a must for me. I didn’t realise how hard it wouldContinueContinue reading “Raggedy Man…Goodnight.”